Topic: After life. The emotion of people and their spirits after death. A journalist and photographer capturing the true essence of the afterlife.
Title: ‘About dying’: The side of death we don’t see
Date Published: September 11, 2015 8:39 ET
Written by: Ashley Strickland of CNN Photos
Summary: Ashley Strickland spent 6 months of her life at Pathological Institute in Aarhus, Denmark to document death and what happens to people after they die. She experienced many bodies bodies in various stages of decay, people missing limbs, the results of aggressively resistant bacteria and young faces for whom death had come too soon. A study of death gave her a new perspective on life. She hopes people viewing the images will experience the same shift.Her objective was to see if she could make people look at death and actually relate to it on natural ground without the grief and use it as a perspective in life.
Reaction: Strickland is photographing objects I never thought mattered to shoot. She truly captures the spirit within these past people. Strickland is doing a very unique type of photography I have never heard of. She uses it to her advantage.
World Impact: We all die. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually. Ashley strickland introduced a new aspect in my life and I now see this as an important matter.