AFFIRMING that a child is a person under the age of 18 years old,
DEEPLY DISTURBED that 215 million children were forced to work at least 70 hours a week starting in the early 1800’s,
RECOGNIZING where the majority of child labor is found is in Nigeria, China, Thailand, Japan,
Kazakhstan and most countries of the Western Pacific Ocean,
EMPHASIZING that these children started working at age five and are working in conditions that they should never be exposed to,
OBSERVING that one out of six children are forced slaves in every country,
AWARE OF the fact that child labor refers to children working in an industry or business while taking away from their childhood and their ability to attend regular school,
NOTING that there are many forms of child labor around the world like mine working and field working, along with the typical factory working labor of children,
TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION that the factories, mines, and construction sites are unhealthy and harmful to children and any adult working there,
CONVINCED that the gender of the child determines how much he or she works and how much he or she is paid,
BEARING IN MIND that some children actually want to work for money, but most are forced to be in this situation,
DETERMINED end the practice of child labor,
1. URGES the education of all children around the world about the problems that child labor causes, even if their countries not engaging in child labor;
2. ENCOURAGES in change the way people view child labor as a country, so if a person(s) does not want to help, society will turn and the person turning away this children will want to help;
3. RECOMMENDS to create a minimum family income so parents will not have to send their children to work or to slave by providing more jobs to their parents;
4. INVITES more labor unions to protect children against child labor;
5. CONSIDERS to build housing for children that have left their parents by choice;
6. REQUESTS to ask countries not affected to donate money that aren’t infected by child labor,